Leaving Gramma and Grampa’s

Leaving Gramma and Grampa’s
 (January 1st, 2021)
 Oh, do we have to go?
 Please, can’t we stay?
 Just for one more night -
 Only one more day?
 We don’t want to go back home!
 Please, we’re having so much fun!
 Don’t you see this game?
 We’ve only just begun!
 Can’t we do one more thing?
 There’s so much we want to play!
 We don’t want to go just yet -
 Please can’t we stay? 

(It’s always so hard to say goodbye to Gramma and Grampa! Artwork was a Christmas gift for my mother-in-law in 2019. All the grandchildren are a bit bigger now, plus one more in the mix. I didn’t have an original photo of the piece, so an “under the glass” image will have to do.)