Polarity or Be Close

Be Close
(May 23rd, 2021)

I just want you
Whether healthy or sick
Stable or struggling
Rich or poor
Dark or fair
I just want you
I don’t care about
Left or Right
Conservative or Liberal
Belief or Unbelief
I just want you
To be close
To be human
To rub against our flaws and idiosyncrasies
Without hatred
Because we’re all human
And being close is the antidote to this polarity
My instincts are to run away
Like a frightened deer
To cloister myself deep in the woods
But that only increases the divide
And cuts my heart apart
Be close
Be human with me
And I will love you with all the flawed love I have to offer
Because I can
Because He did
Because He came close
Because He let His humanness rub against ours
And He loves us still with all the Perfect Love He has to offer
Come, He says
Be Close

(Feeling tired of the polarity, further aggravated by social media.)

A Love Affair

 A Love Affair 
(January 5th, 2014)

Soft glow of evening light
Children finally at rest
Snuggled up on the couch
With the one that I love best
But first I must answer this
And you must finish that
Soon the evening has passed us by
Because so-n-so wanted to chat
A love affair with technology
That keeps us far apart
An interest in everyone else
But our own fleshy, beating heart
An idol of a sly degree
One that comes between
Paled faces by computer glow
Blinded by alluring screens
Minds always heavy
With the constant arrays
Of all the information
To be found through our displays
No time to sit and ponder
Always Click! Click! Click!
Never shutting down
Nor contemplating the burning wick
So faithful we may be to each other
And always the very best friends
But we have a love affair with technology
And it has got to end

(Both the image and the poem are exaggerations, but I certainly felt the angst with technology even 6 years ago, when this poem was written. I feel less so now, with better boundaries in place, but it does seem to be a never-ending battle of tweaking how and what and how much technology we open ourselves up to. Perhaps that’s just the reality of living in such a fast-paced, everchanging world.)