Oh, Little Love

Oh, Little Love
(February 14th, 2011)
For E.R.A.

Oh little lips
I pray you say great things
But if great words you have none
And speak only silent few
May your hands show your works of faith

Oh little hands
I pray you do big things
But if you do no big things
And instead do many little
I pray you do them with a big heart

Oh little heart
I pray you change the world
But if you cannot change the world
And instead change just one life
I pray you make change while standing firm

Oh little feet
I pray that you go far
But you do not go far
And instead stay close to home
I pray your love still reaches out

Oh little love
So pure and unhindered by the world
I pray that you see Jesus
But even if you cannot see Him
I pray that others see Him in you.

(I wrote this when my first was not quite 1. Of course, I have yet to see what she will become, but somehow these words have been more prophetic than I could ever have imagined.)